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Give Your Child the Best Possible Start to School!

AccelerateRx is an intensive, comprehensive, personalised brain training program that develops the foundational skills that are the prerequisites for learning and academic success.

Every child needs these foundational
skills in order to process new
information, every day in school and
life. Even weakness in one skill can
make learning (and life) harder than it needs to be.

More importantly, weakness in these foundational skills results in a wider academic achievement gap with peers. This, in turn, negatively impacts self esteem, self belief and motivation.

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Imagine if you could permanently put an end to your child’s learning struggles.


Take the first step today and book a cognitive skills assessment to understand your child’s unique learning profile.


You can prepare your child for a lifetime of confidence and success, with our pioneering program, AccelerateRx.

Give your child the ability to fly through school and life with:


•Sharper thinking skills 

•Better grades 

•Enhanced intelligence 

•Increased processing speed 

•Better memory 

•Improved concentration  

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We call it brain training. Our families call it life changing.



Salahuddeen Al Ayyubi St - Al Ain

​​Tel:+971527750339 +971506231254


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